Saturday, February 28, 2009


Blogging not only allows you to reflect on your own thinking, it helps you to connect with the thoughts of others. Blogging at Learning@School Conferences has grown from strength to strength. Twitter has added to this connection as teachers across the globe and nation connect using the microblogging platform.

One delegate who has been in the NZ Twitter network this year mentioned that because of the connections through Twitter she now felt really connected and less lonely while attending the conference. She has a ready group of people with whom she feels comfortable and can also carry out extended conversations long after the conference is over. These connections extend the learning and support us as we head back into normal daily life trying to incorporate the extensive professional development just undertaken.

Blogging has also created a new breed of creature loosely termed the ‘blogebrity’. In the image above Wes Fryer is taking the place as the international blogebrity for this year’s Learning@School (clicking on the image will take you to the original on Flickr which is annotated).


gregcarroll said...

The "Paris Hilton-ing" of the blogosphere .... sad. Note Wes posts photos on flickr of himself with NZ celebs (?-lol).

Heheboy said...

Hi Jane, Was nice to meet you face to face as well. It was a condensed few days and in terms of meeting everyone just wasn't enough....So, will have to kep coming back. Keep up the good work online I use case study examples on NZC all the time.

Wesley Fryer said...

Well Greg, I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it "Paris Hilton-ing"... :-)

This really is an odd phenomenon for me to be sure... I can guarantee you no one around here in Oklahoma where I live is asking to pose in photos with me. My kids are much more photogenic than I to be sure.

It really was great to be in NZ to learn so much from others there. I really felt I took and learned more than I gave... What a great group CORE is!

Thanks for all your facilitating leadership at the Blogger's Cafe this year, Jane! :-)